Client Information
Dog Information
Veterinarian Information
Who is your regular veterinarian?
Behavioral Information
Chronology of the Behavior Problem
Describe several examples in detail:
Home Environment
Please list the people (including you) living in your household and ages of children.
Please list all animals in the household including the patient, in the sequence in which they were obtained.
Dog's Background
Diet and Feeding
Daily Schedule - Typical 24 hour day
Obedience Training
What percentage of the time does your dog obey the following commands for each member of the family?
Medical History
Aggression Screen
Please indicate your dog’s reaction to each of the listed scenarios below using one of the following options.
GR = Growl
SL = Snarl/bare teeth
SB = Snap/Bite
NR = No Reaction
NA = Not Applicable
GR = Growl
SL = Snarl/bare teeth
SB = Snap/Bite
NR = No Reaction
NA = Not Applicable
GR = Growl
SL = Snarl/bare teeth
SB = Snap/Bite
NR = No Reaction
NA = Not Applicable
Where are you on a scale of 1 to 5 as follows?
For Aggression towards People
(Skip this section if aggression towards people is not the problem)
Please answer Yes or No to these characteristics of your dog's aggressive behavior:
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